Dr. Maria On Writing



Director and Principal at Ironed Words Productions, LLC

Insightful help for your writing goals


Writing & Storytelling in Healthcare [VIRTUAL] Sunday April 6, 2025 from 4:00 to 7:00 Eastern

A writing conference for healthcare professionals. Capture your unique medical experiences in words to express, influence, and inspire.


Iron Writing Circle for Healthcare Professionals [virtual]

four weekly sessions starting Thursday, April 3


One-on-One Writing Support by appointment

DOCTOR, channel your experiences and emotions into written words.

Explore writing about your unique experiences with "Writing & Storytelling in Healthcare."

Come together with colleagues and write.

Maria Simbra  MD, MA, MPH

Award-winning journalist and author

As a doctor, you deal with unique stressors and experience a multitude of life-changing encounters every day. Have you thought about writing it down to channel your thoughts and feelings? 

Whether it's an essay, chapter, video script, blog post, or op-ed, doctors can find writing an effective way to process emotions, make sense of events, and find meaning in adversity and the human condition. Writing can be cathartic, soothing, and validating.

I'm sure you have stories to express. I can help guide you.

With my background as a neurologist and 15 years in patient care, I understand what you're trying to say. With my master's degree in journalism and 19 years of experience as a journalist with CBS Pittsburgh, I can help you find your better words and better messages, so you can put your best stories on the page.


Writing & Storytelling in Healthcare

a virtual writing conference for doctors and healthcare professionals

Write for the new online lit mag, DocWriterRx™, featuring doctors who write.

Submit up to 500 words on your experiences in healthcare. Essays, poems, and stories are welcome.

Subscribe to the monthly newsletter, Healing Ink™.

Get exclusive writing prompts, tips, and resources for healthcare professionals who write.

Discover the power of writing about your unique experiences. Find your voice and share your story. Write your way through the challenges of medicine.

For additional questions, or for individual help, please reach out at IronedWordsProductions@gmail.com